Good work, I completely zoned out halfway through, but it was still fun to watch.
Good work, I completely zoned out halfway through, but it was still fun to watch.
thanks, you can check out my other work here on YT
he is too scary so please make him more family friendly nxt time :-)
No but seriously, this is the best loop yet, F^A^
I knew babies came from trees.
You are my baby!! *here comes the airplane baby!!!*
I'm not the biggest fan of trailers, but looking at the animation in it, they look like they have a lot of potential, which is awesome to see. The animation isn't the best, but a lot of this is in frame by frame, and that's a lot better than all of the tweening other starting animators do. I'll definitely be looking forward to seeing your new cartoons!
Thanks for the follow man
It's a copy of Animator vs. Animation, but at least you are trying. Also at the 45 second mark, there are two cursors, one that moves and one that seems to be apart of the image? You may want to fix that next time.
Holy shit, it took less than 6 hours for a tribute of Muhammed Ali to be uploaded on Newgrounds? That has to be a new record. I understand it's a tribute and all, but not much is on here aside from a preview of your next animation.
we already have this episode ready but we're going to launch it into a Kickstarter, never thought that this would happen in the midtime :(
Jotaro97 said it best, it's way too short, I know you are trying to release it in time while Overwatch is still relevant, but you should've planned ahead to make it longer, since short content that is under 20 seconds isn't usually well-received on here. Not the biggest fan of the animation here, but it gets the job done. Overall, if you are going to make a parody like this, try to make it longer.
hell yeah this is fucking awesome dude
Joined on 10/21/12