Fuckin' great work dude. I never thought I'd laugh at a Pokemon cartoon, but this one was extremely well written and I didn't expect that ending.
Fuckin' great work dude. I never thought I'd laugh at a Pokemon cartoon, but this one was extremely well written and I didn't expect that ending.
Glad I could get a chuckle outta ya
Just as boring as the game itself!
No but seriously, it starts off impressive with all those Flash effects, then once the ship opens, a line-boiling stick-man appears, and that completely ruined it for me. It looks so nice, then goes to complete basic character designs. The rest of it is completely boring, the idea itself is already incredibly easy to guess about what is going to happen next. It's only 2 and a half minutes, yet it feels like an eternity. Hopefully this review didn't offend you or anything, but it'd be nice to see original content from you in the future.
it's boring because the game is boring, exactly what i was trying to portray ;)
Who would've thought the guy who made this later made El Tigre and The Book of LIfe.
I keep watching this what have you done to me.
Take it easy!
This is great man, I remember seeing the original version of this last year and this still holds up. Very inspirational.
awe, thanks man :)
"2nd part- UrbenTowel and Flikkernicht" MEGAROBBY I WILL GET MY REEEEVENGE! Besides that, good quality spam, how I love you.
By the way, mine and Jon's scene seems to be a lot different than before, so here's the original in case it doesn't get updated: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/ecb843e3195726db65d67f07a6d0072b
Good job boys, it's still spam, but some of these (Megarobby's and my boy Janitor's) felt like good ol' Kitty Krew spam. 0 stars for quality spam.
these videos are amazing holy shit
You are too kind
I always love these videos but too bad it ended abruptly for a "to be continued", I didn't want it to end.
Well i guess that's a good thing :)
Joined on 10/21/12