It's alright, but for a typical online viewer they would not spend 18 minutes to watch a cartoon, unless there is an already established fanbase (Eddsworld for example), and most of those are usually 9 to 12 minutes at the longest. Writing is okay as there's some good jokes scattered around, but the animation is unappealing. Voice acting is better than most online content that I've seen lately, so good job on that. Overall, it's fine, but just remember that not everyone would watch something this long online due to quick attention spans, hence the fact that this currently has a 2.39 from people quickly looking by.
Alright, so I don't know what I'm supposed to enjoy out of this. You are already having the two main characters already break up in the second season of your cartoon, that's way too early to happen in a series. We barely know anything about the characters, so why are you already having them break apart? What is the point?
The animation is heavily tweened, which isn't bad, but feels lazy. Also, why didn't you make any coloured backgrounds? Having white and grey backgrounds are so bland and makes the cartoon look even more lazy. The rest of my complaints were already stated in Remusyurov's review, so I won't say them again for your convenience.
I want to see you do cartoons, but you just seem to be doing Pivot's style with a mix of Eddsworld. You need to make original content, if not that, try to do parodies if you can think of a good idea. If you can't take constructive criticism, you won't go anywhere as an animator babe.
I can tell you put a lot of effort into this, but quite a few aspects of this just made me embarrassed while watching, mainly the voices. The girl frog sounds so unmotivated and out of character, a good example of this is when she says "holy shit we gotta hurry, help, help, someone we need an ambulance", it just sounds so lifeless and out of character. Another good thing to note is to make sure to not have the characters whisper scream all the time, which happened quite a bit in this animation.
Another thing that bugged me was the constant censorship of vulgar language in this. From looking at the beginning of the video which has a "TV-14" rating on the top left corner, I suppose you want this to be treated like a TV show where you want to censor language and nudity, but that feels so unnecessary to do, especially on the internet.
The plot was hard to follow at times, which left me confused, but I won't go too deep into that, because I guess that will be explained in the next episode (hopefully). Animation felt a bit stiff at times, but it didn't bug me too much, and the music was from Kevin MacLeod, which is okay, but hearing the same songs in so many different cartoons and short films start to really annoy me.
Overall, this is fine for what it is, especially the amount of time spent on this cartoon, as I have no idea how you can spend so long on a project mainly by yourself, so I have major respect for people who can spend that much time on a project, but it does have some little things that need to be fixed for the next episode which I explained earlier in this review. I await to seeing the next episode of where it will go.
Yeah, the voice actress for Chick Frog isn't very good, though she's gotten a bit better than when she started, so there's some improvement. Most of the voices for this were recorded in 2014, aside from a few that were redone because i felt they could be better. I feel like everyone's gotten better at acting since then, but finding time for everyone to record is really hard, and the voices for episode 7 were recorded on the same day since we did have time and since it's a continuation, so unless I can find time to get all the lines completely redone before work on that is too far in, then the problems withe the voices currently probably won't be fixed. I'll try though, but like I said, it'll be hard to manage.
The censorship is something I knew would bug people, but there's a reason for it. It's pretty much the gimmick of this series, you were close with what you said. It's supposed to "feel" like a tv show, as if it were actually being shown on a fictional tv network. This is kinda explained in the series, but not really. The censors do come into play as something more than an annoyance in some episodes though. Plus, it leaves room for having uncensored versions for possible DVD releases. Which, ya know, probably isn't the best reason, but it IS a reason. But yeah, it is kinda unnecessary, but it's only a thing with this series. It's been a thing with this series since the beginning and it will continue being a thing, so hopefully that doesn't put you off too much.
Welp, I tried to make it a bit less confusing, but I guess it didn't entirely work. This is part 2 of a 3 part story, and it's really shit that I had to take so long of a break after starting a trilogy, but there really wasn't much important that happened in part 1, aside from the main cast getting into their current situations. The main plot with Alex being pissed off and wanting to get revenge has been slowly building since the first episode, but it only really began here. I feel like it'll kinda make more sense in the next episode, but idk, really the best thing to do would be watch the other episodes. Many times had I considered not finishing episode 6 again and instead doing a full series reboot, and maybe that would've been the better thing to do, but I already had so much of this done, and I really didn't want to take even longer to remake the first 5 episodes.
I'm not sure where exactly the animation could've felt stiff, but I'll assume it was in the scenes that were animated in 2014, or just where there wasn't enough movement. A big problem I have is not being able to come up with enough good poses, I feel like I've gotten better though, 'cause there's certainly quite a bit of animation in this where it's constant movement with new poses each time, and those bits were animated in the last few months.
Yeah, Kevin MacLeod music is a bit over-used at this point, but I had it and I felt most of it was fitting, so I just went with it. I also didn't have stable internet for a lot of the time I was working on this, so I couldn't really find better music choices. That's not really an excuse though 'cause I could've easily switched out the music later on, but i kinda didn't feel like searching for music, 'cause it always takes an unnecessarily long time. Ideally this series would have completely custom music, and maybe episode 7 could have that, or at least less-used royalty free songs.
Spending so much time on a single project is a really scary thing. The idea of it flopping and all the time spent being worthless is constantly going through my head, plus style and skill level is constantly changing throughout development, so there's always inconsistencies. I've spent a long time on projects in the past, and I'll probably be doing it in the future too, but I'm ready to take a break from long cartoons after this. As much as I love making long stuff, it's just so much more fun to make shorts because they can be done rather quickly, and I've got a ton of ideas i need to get out of my head.
I don't really understand how any of the problems you had with this would embarrass you. It's not like this is a completely professional production with people who know what they're doing all the time. This was started when I was still trying to figure stuff out, so it's full of problems and inconsistencies, but now I've learned a lot so I have a better understanding of what I'm actually doing and how to keep things consistent, so I SHOULD only get better from here. I will be trying my hardest to fix all the problems that can be fixed though. Episode 7 won't come out for a long time probably, but hopefully the wait for that will be worth it, and hopefully it'll be a lot better than this.
The cartoon is good and all, but I think you messed up the description a little bit by having your "YOUTUBE" link to your Newgrounds page. More exposure for NG the better, but I just wanted to point that out.
I put the newgrounds link on the youtube version as well, and I've been plugging the newgrounds link as much as I can. But I agree. Newgrounds is the shit, and I'm all about more traffic to this site :)
Is this just poorly done improv? What is the joke? Is this a comedy or is this supposed to be serious? What am I supposed to get out of watching this?
Also, audio was way too compressed and the voice acting needs some work, and don't use the boiling tool too much, it's too distracting. If this is an April Fools day cartoon, you didn't do a very good job. You can do better, man.
I loved the change in perspective for most of the cycles. Only minor complaint is that I just wished around the 1:40 mark, with the change of tone in the music, the walk cycles would be in tune with the song, with the walk cycles getting more crazy or energetic if that makes any sense. The reason why I say this is because in the beginning you have a lot of casual walk cycles, so if it the walking cycles went a bit more crazy when the mood of music changes, that would be great. However, if these were all in order from when you made them, I guess you can't really change that. Great job nonetheless.
I tried to use more energetic ones and faster ones in the end. Was a lot work to order them by fastness or energy and stuff. They weren't really in chronologic order. But yeah they not always matched the tune, butI tried :D